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Theme icons


This theme includes iconic font, which you can use to add icons to content gadgets. You can change the color and size of the icons as you would any other text.


 This is a heading

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus rhoncus diam turpis. Aliquam pretium pretium lorem, at elementum lacus tempus ac. Praesent ut felis libero. Maecenas aliquet sodales justo, a varius felis dapibus a. Donec porta, arcu nec rhoncus vehicula, tortor mi malesuada diam, non porttitor erat metus sit amet turpis.

This is a heading

Within these content gadgets, we have formatted text using different text styles. This heading, for example, uses the Heading 4 style.
What is Wild Apricot?
Wild Apricot is web-based software that automates and simplifies the management of your membership and your website.


Scroll up to the list of available screen icons then select the icon as you would select a text character. Now copy the icon (using keyboard shortcuts or by right clicking and select the Copy option) and paste it into your content gadget.
Scroll up to the list of available screen icons then right click over the icon you want to use and select the Inspect element option (supported by most browsers) The Inspector window will appear with the font tag highlighted. Right click over the highlighted line and copy it. Now, start editing your content gadget, then click the HTML icon and paste the copied code where you want the icon to appear.
If you want to use icons from a font set other than Font Awesome, you need to add the font using theme overrides.

About us

Our organization leads the fight for legal protection of animals. We work to pass strong new animal protection legislation, push for the prosecution of animal abusers, and fight for animals in court.

Become a member

Show your commitment to ending the suffering and abuse of animals by joining us right now. As a member, you can help with our lifesaving work for animals in the food industry, in circuses, in laboratories, and anywhere else that they're mistreated.

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